I've had the Crumpler Western Lawn Messenger bag for two years now and it has served me really well in the past 2 years. It's amazing how much I can stuff into this small-looking bag. I've also bought the Crumpler 5 Million Dollar Home when I bought my first DSLR (Canon 550D with 18-55mm kit). So far so good, bright green colour, but I've recently realised I was getting a little too old to be carrying Crumplers around. And that's when I stumbled upon the Billingham brand.
I began looking through their catalogue and thought their designs were really traditional-looking. Many users have commented that the bags were of superior quality and had the looks as well. They seemed a little too pricey for me at first. But after Chinese New Year, things rapidly changed.
Barely 2 days after the last day of CNY, I took the plunge (albeit having done lots of research and checking out the best prices in town). I got a friend to bring in the Hadley Pro.
a Canon 50mm f1.8, a 1L Nike water bottle and another 24-105 f4 lens.
The bottle can fit in the bag nicely, for the bag to be closed comfortably.
All three items fit in nicely, without any tight spaces at all.
And the MBP would fit in all the way, enabling the bag to close properly.

Capable of slotting some documents like passports or small notes.

Overall, the feel, looks and capabilities of the bag have sort of neutralize the pain of the cost of the bag. It certainly looks nothing like a Crumpler, but I believe with its build-quality, it can endure years and years of handling my current and future photographic gear, schooldays and the frequent photo outings in future. Now all it lacks is a film camera, which will be fulfilled when my grandfather's Nikon FG returns from the repair shop.